Within the margins of this one-sided page,
I contort myself beyond bended knee.
All that I am boiled and stripped to the bone

for a bridge between now and a future 
where interests converge, where we both wait:
you for able hands, and I on ones that feed.

And when these are denied, they are dismantled,
then rinsed, then reassembled, then once more
re-presented until they return clothed

with the crumbs I seek for my daily bread.
Make no mistake, I have skin in this game -
stretched like my experiences to hide how

my guts never fail to come up short, how
the heart in my breast longs for a drumbeat,
each tap a shoe for my feet to slip into.

Consider this my submission, please.
Tell me if I’ll ever be a good fit.

/ Joshua Lim is a full-time history buff, and member of Singapore-based writing collective /s@ber (or /stop@badendrhymes for long). He spends way too much time in museums for his own good.

READ: "You Are a Chain Manager in a Similar Field", Jack Xi

← READ: "Miguel Translated", Miguel Barretto García

2021.2Daryl Qilin YamPoetry