"Where did you put your phone?", Karisa Poedjirahardjo

Image description: This is poem has been placed in an image of a circular maze. It only has one starting point and the maze enters in the centre of the circle. The opening line is ‘First, breathe’. At the centre of the maze is ‘your phone’.

Image description: This is poem has been placed in an image of a circular maze. It only has one starting point and the maze enters in the centre of the circle. The opening line is ‘First, breathe’. At the centre of the maze is ‘your phone’.

/ Karisa Poedjirahardjo is sometimes a writer, sometimes an organiser, but always interested in pushing buttons (lifts, yours, etc). She was birthed by Indonesians, lives among Singaporeans, and raised by open-mics.

READ: “What was I afraid of again?”, Min Lim →

← READ: “WORD SEARCH (2)”, Francine Wang

2020.2Daryl Qilin YamPoetry